
Fresh Ink & Wet Paint

<Older Blog Entries>

Dawn Virnig’s Romance Wins First Place in Zebulon Contest

Congratulations to client Dawn Virnig, whose debut novel The American took first place for Romance Fiction in the 2014 Pike’s Peak Zebulon Contest. Her novel is about an American woman who must trust a shady Australian tour guide to protect her after she stumbles upon... read more

Amanda McCracken Appears on Katie Couric Show

Congratulations to essayist and journalist Amanda McCracken, Boulder, whose writing on virginity, sexuality and relationships has captured national attention, landing her a spot on the Katie Couric show. “The producers in their research had come across my essays in... read more

Hudson Lindenberger Named Colorado Editor of Bourbon Story

by Lori DeBoer I was very pleased to get the news that Hudson Lindenberger,  Boulder, has been named the Colorado Editor of Bourbon Story (www.bourbonstory.com).  The online magazine focuses solely on the culture, history and business of Bourbon through articles,... read more

Denise Schurr to be Published in Odyssey Magazine

By Lori DeBoer Congratulations to Denise Schurr for placing her first freelance magazine article, “Yellowstone:  Supervolcano,” with Odyssey Magazine.  It will be appearing in the July/August 2014 issue.  I worked with Denise on a chapter book about two... read more

How I Weathered an Unexpected Storm and How You Can, Too

by Lori DeBoer, Author & Writing Coach One of the reasons I love working as a writing coach is the opportunity I have to get to know so many talented individuals.  The relationship I forge with each and every one of you is unique, and it is truly reciprocal.  My... read more

Yotzeret Publishing Signs Chutzpah & High Heels

Jessica Fishman’s memoir, Chutzpah & High Heels: The Search for Love and Identity in the Holy Land, has been signed by Yotzeret Publishing, which publishes books written from a Jewish perspective with a specialty in those written by women authors. With... read more

My Essay “To Hear Her Story Told” Published in Pithead Chapel

My essay, “To Hear Her Story Told,” was published in the January 2014 issue of Pithead Chapel.  It tells the story of the loss of my mother and was written under the direction of Bobbie Louise Hawkins during a week I spent studying in the summer writing program at... read more

Eddie Lueken's Essay Highlighted in Collection by Nurses

Congratulations to Eddie Lueken, Louisville, Kentucky, whose essay, “Hitting the Bone,” was published in I Wasn’t Strong Like this When I started Out: True Stories of Becoming a Nurse, edited by Lee Gutkind and published by InFact Books in 2013. Eddie, who has an MFA... read more

Amanda McCracken’s Essay Makes a Splash in The New York Times

Congratulations to Amanda McCracken, Boulder, Colorado, whose essay, “Does my Virginity have a Shelf Life?” appeared in the November 13, 2013, issue of The New York Times. Her thoughtful and timely piece was covered in a response by Slate Magazine by Katy Waldman,... read more




Lori DeBoer, my writing coach, helped me polish and fine-tune my manuscript. She coaxed and cajoled personal stories out of my head and onto the page and reminded me that my voice needed to enliven the rich and sometimes dense subject matter in this book.

Thomas H. Stoner, Jr.

Small Change, Big Gains: Reflections of an Energy Entrepreneur

Jessica Fishman



“I came to Lori to strengthen my manuscript’s story line and narrative arc, tighten its conflict, and improve character development. As a professional development editor, Lori was incredibly supportive of my work, but most importantly gave me specific and constructive criticism to improve my book. Her hands on approach gave me both the knowledge and the skills to be able to improve my writing. Not only does Lori know writing, she also knows the writing business. It was a pleasure working with Lori and I highly recommend her. She is both professional and a great person. Every dollar I spent was worth it.”

Jessica Fishman

Chutzpah and High Heels: The Search for Love and Identity in the Holy Land

Yotzeret Publishing


Brenda Barry


“Best coach ever. Lori and I worked together through two of my books. She’s amazing and they don’t come any better. I would not be where I am today with my book if it wasn’t for Lori D. She taught me so much and I will be using her services again. I have now had two offers from two different publishers and have picked one. And have a third interested, which is so amazing.”

Brenda Ashworth Barry

Seasons of Love and War

Melange Publishing

