by Lori DeBoer | Apr 26, 2014
Congratulations to essayist and journalist Amanda McCracken, Boulder, whose writing on virginity, sexuality and relationships has captured national attention, landing her a spot on the Katie Couric show. “The producers in their research had come across my essays in...
by Lori DeBoer | Apr 23, 2014
Your book is done and you finally have time to come up for air. You’ve even changed out of the yoga pants, and eaten dinner with your family. The hard lifting is over, right? Well, not quite. Now you need to find a way to connect with and engage readers. As the...
by Lori DeBoer | Apr 23, 2014
By Lori DeBoer Many of my friends and clients are turning to self-publishing. E-books have revolutionized the publishing industry. As a an author, it pays to investigate what’s going on in this interesting world. On Sunday, April 27, 2014, I’ll be giving a talk on...
by Lori DeBoer | Apr 23, 2014
I love to offer value anyway I can to my clients and friends. That’s why when an opportunity to collaborate on a program with my friend and Life Coach Susan Osborn came up, I jumped on the chance. This summer, we are offering a three-month foundational program for...
by Lori DeBoer | Apr 14, 2014
by Lori DeBoer I was very pleased to get the news that Hudson Lindenberger, Boulder, has been named the Colorado Editor of Bourbon Story ( The online magazine focuses solely on the culture, history and business of Bourbon through articles,...
by Lori DeBoer | Apr 13, 2014
By Lori DeBoer Congratulations to Denise Schurr for placing her first freelance magazine article, “Yellowstone: Supervolcano,” with Odyssey Magazine. It will be appearing in the July/August 2014 issue. I worked with Denise on a chapter book about two schoolroom...
by Lori DeBoer | Apr 11, 2014
by Lori DeBoer, Author & Writing Coach One of the reasons I love working as a writing coach is the opportunity I have to get to know so many talented individuals. The relationship I forge with each and every one of you is unique, and it is truly reciprocal. My...
by Lori DeBoer | Apr 7, 2014
Seasons of Love and War, the first book of Brenda Barry’s epic love story and historical family saga was released on March 24, 2014, by Melange Publishing. It features childhood sweethearts Beth Ann Rose and Kaylob Shawn O’Brian, who just want to get married and...
by Lori DeBoer | Apr 5, 2014
Jessica Fishman’s memoir, Chutzpah & High Heels: The Search for Love and Identity in the Holy Land, has been signed by Yotzeret Publishing, which publishes books written from a Jewish perspective with a specialty in those written by women authors. With...