Denise Schurr to be Published in Odyssey Magazine

By Lori DeBoer Congratulations to Denise Schurr for placing her first freelance magazine article, “Yellowstone:  Supervolcano,” with Odyssey Magazine.  It will be appearing in the July/August 2014 issue.  I worked with Denise on a chapter book about two schoolroom...

Yotzeret Publishing Signs Chutzpah & High Heels

Jessica Fishman’s memoir, Chutzpah & High Heels: The Search for Love and Identity in the Holy Land, has been signed by Yotzeret Publishing, which publishes books written from a Jewish perspective with a specialty in those written by women authors. With...

Eddie Lueken's Essay Highlighted in Collection by Nurses

Congratulations to Eddie Lueken, Louisville, Kentucky, whose essay, “Hitting the Bone,” was published in I Wasn’t Strong Like this When I started Out: True Stories of Becoming a Nurse, edited by Lee Gutkind and published by InFact Books in 2013. Eddie, who has an MFA...

Judith Robbins Rose's MISS Purchased by Candlewick Press

I’m pleased to announce that Judith Robbins Rose, Denver, Colorado, has placed her middle grade novel Miss with Candlewick Press, which also publishes acclaimed authors Kate DiCamillo and M. T Anderson.  She is working with the editor Andrea Tompa and is represented...

Sherisse Hawkins Takes E-Books Deeper

One of my Boulder-based clients, Sherisse Hawkins, has taken a break from writing her novel to found an exciting new publishing-related company, Beneath the Ink.  She and her team have developed a project that gives authors of e-books the ability to add interactive...

Clients Accepted into Big Sur in the Rockies Workshop

I am proud to announce that three of my clients were accepted into the prestigious Big Sur in the Rockies writing workshop, which is sponsored by the Society for Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators (SCBWI). Those wishing to participate in the workshop were asked...