“Dynamic Drive Scheme Developed,” ALCOM Update

By Lori DeBoer Cholesteric reflective displays can now be addressed in a fraction of the time that it used to take because of a new dynamic drive developed by ALCOM researchers at the Liquid Crystal Institute, Kent State University. The new drive scheme addresses...

“Newspaper Display Prototype Announced,” ALCOM Update

  By Lori DeBoer Technology that could alter the business of putting ink on paper was announced at the SID ’95 meeting in Orlando in May. The electronic documument viewer prototype uses reflective cholesteric liquid crystals being developed in the ALCOMM Center. Using...

“The Valley’s Highways Pick Up Speed,” Phoenix Magazine

By Lori DeBoer In the rush to break the Valley’s traffic gridlock, the road to success may be paved with electronic sensors, magnetic tape and microchips. Smart highways and smart cars–or Intelligent Transportation Systems–are the stuff of Jules Verne’s dreams, from...

“ITS in Phoenix Shines Bright,” ITS World

By Lori DeBoer With Arizona’s population growth three times the national average and roads strained to their utmost, implementation of ITS to help alleviate traffic congestion has picked up speed. In 1996, Phoenix was one of four metropolitan areas selected by the...