Three of the 17 winners for the 2015 Zebulon Awards, a national writing contest organized by Pikes Peak Writers, were books I worked on as a developmental editor and coach.
Kim Lajevardi, Westminster, took first place in the mainstream/literary category, for her novel, Silent Witness. The judge was Sandy Lu, an agent with the L. Perkins Agency
Gary Alan McBride, Boulder, took second place in the mystery/thriller/suspense category for his novel, The Wildcat. The judge was Dana Isaacson, editor at Ballatine Books at Random House
Kelly M. Welsh, Boulder, took third place in the third place science fiction/fantasy category for her novel, The Kamen District. The judge was Tricia Narwani, editor with Del Rey/Random House Worlds.
A number of clients and members of the Boulder Writers’ Workshop attended the conference in April, which was held in Colorado Springs. We had a great time networking with everyone and made lots of great connections.