New Painting: “The Cardinal Came to Tea”

“The Cardinal Came to Tea” by Lori DeBoer

With the holidays approaching, it seems fitting to paint one of the season’s most symbolic birds, the cardinal. The idea for this painting sprang from a sweet Ellgrave antique teapot I saw on Instagram on @GlyndasVintageShop. The cream-colored teapot had gold embellishments that seemed very cheerful, and I instantly thought that a bright, red cardinal perched on top would add a nice touch. I also love surrealistic and fantastical paintings, where wild creatures appear in the human world, so planned my composition. I wonder when I conceived it (and wonder still) why the cardinal came to tea. He appears like an insistent little messenger. Perhaps, as it is rumored, he brings news of a deceased loved one. I may write a story about him at some point, but, in the meantime, am enjoying this little painting until it finds a new forever home.

  • “The Cardinal Came to Tea”
  • 8 X 8 inches
  • Mixed media casein and watercolor on a canvas panel
  • Currently available in the Lori DeBoer Designs Etsy shop.
